Well after giving the new ProMark Active Grip Drumsticks I bought from Clark’s Music Center a few months back quite a run through, I found myself going “back to the wax” ha.
The concept and execution of the coating is indeed an excellent idea from D’Addario & Co but isn’t a good fit for me personally and my style of playing. It starts out mildly tacky to the touch when cold and slowly works up to a more sticky feel after use. It is definitely tackier and better than a standard smooth stick but I found myself having to squeeze more than normal to keep the stick in control with prolonged playing and sweating that can ensue with drumming. I’m a sweater ha…
I do recommend drummers give these sticks a try and judge for yourself. For me, it is back to the wax. I just can’t beat the grip-ability and control I have when using wax and I can apply it to both the sticks and my hands to give a double whammy of gripping goodness.
On an awesome note… back into the home drum studio to work with my buddy Anders Qvicker again on a couple of songs. One is A Walk In The Park, an older song I recorded for him many years ago on my older recording equipment. For fun I am going to run through it again on the new equipment and see how things compare and if we can get a more solid drum sound this time. Anders’ music is incredible and quite enjoyable to incorporate drum tracks into.
I will also be going to Clark’s Music Center tonight for a clinic on drum tuning given by local musical phenom Joseph Kirkwood. Tuning is one of my least favorite things and I can always learn something.
Updates on recording soon and more blogging “fodder” about drumming and other irregularities ha… oh and one other thing, my website is old ha…. building websites and running a business with my Dad has been demanding and I am trying to get back to the love and care of rngeer.com… my vanity site, my child ha…
All work and no play makes Rich a dull boy…Ā